10 Best Mouse Poison & Pellets- [Reviews]

Previously, we have covered some article on how to get rid of mosquitoes using homemade repellent and today we decided to cover some of the best mouse poison and pellets. Mice are cute tiny critters, but that does not mean we allow them in our homes with us.

These tiny critters are also giving birth to a lot of diseases in our homes through their urine. The condition becomes worse when they put their teeth in something we eat.

Most of the people use the traditional Mouse traps to catch them, but not all the time these mouse traps help us in catching them.

Now what to do in this situation? The solution is to use the Mouse Poisons or Propellent and Rodenticides.

Best Mouse Poison - Mice repellents

No doubt, these rodenticides are highly risky to use as they are not good for children, pets as well as the environment. But if the mouse poison is used in the right manner, it can definitely help us in getting rid of mouse or mice from our homes.

How Do Rodenticides or Mouse Poison Works?

All the mouse repellents available in the market hit the nervous system of the mice. You just need to put the rodenticides in the area where these tiny critters are highly active. When the mouse eats the bait, the poison hits the nervous system of the mice and in a few seconds it dies.

Sound cool? Yes, it is. But the question is what are some of the best mouse rodenticides or poisons? By keeping this question in mind, I decided to cover some of the best rodenticides to get rid of mouse or mice.

Note: These rodenticides are highly toxic, so it is highly recommended to keep them away from the reach of the pets and children. Also, wear gloves when you’re distributing it.

Best Mouse Poisons or Repellents and Rodenticides


1. D-Con Ready Mix Bait Bits

It is one of the best and top mouse poison that kills mice and rats in just one feeding. If the rat or mice has ingested a little quantity of the poison, then it can take up to five days to show you complete effect.

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2. Farnam Just One Bite II Bar

Farnam Just One Bite II Bait bars can help you in killing the warfarin resistance of roof rats, Norway rats, and house mice. It consists of bromadiolone, a well-known anticoagulant mouse poison that causes internal bleeding.

One bite of this rat propellant is enough to kill. In some cases, the death of the rodent can be delayed up to 4-5 days when a very little amount of dose is consumed.

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just one bite ii bars mice and rat killer

3. Just 1 Bite 8CT 16OZ Bar

One of the most effective mouse poison that helps you in getting rid of mice and rats roaming in your house. You just need to break the bar into small pieces and scatter them in the house.

Keep in mind that this poison is very potent so make sure to use gloves while dealing with it.

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4. JT Eaton 709-PN Bait Block Rodenticide Anticoagulant Bait

It is one of the well-known anticoagulant mouse poisons that attract mice or rats and then kills them. It uses peanut butter flavor which most of the rodents find irresistible.

This rodenticide has active ingredients like Diphacinone which kill the rats or mice with just one little feeding.

The product is perfect for basements or garages to eliminate rodents. The good thing about this rodenticide is that it provides you one year warranty to protect against faults in material.

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5. Havoc Rat & Mouse Bait

Havoc Rat and Mouse Bait rodenticide consists of special bait ingredients and attractants for a quick action and eliminate the mice and rats after one feeding.

You can also use this rat poison on agricultural buildings as it doesn’t evaporate or emit any poisonous chemicals.

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6. D-Con Mouse Prufe II 4 Pack

It is America’s number one brand of Mouse and Rat killer. Its uncommon wedge shape lessens the messiness during the placement and fits easily in the areas which are hard to reach.

The good thing about this mouse-control product is that it helps in eliminating warfarin resistance in house mice. Like the other mentioned poisons for mice, this one also kills them in just one feeding.

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7. Tomcat All-Weather Bait Chunx

It is another mouse and rat repellent which is tougher than a barnyard cat to get rid of mice and rats. It is made up of human food-grade ingredients.

This rodenticide helps in eliminating rats and mice from fairly large areas. It has active ingredients like bromadiolone which kills the rats or mice with just one little feeding.

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8. Tomcat Mouse Killer I

It is one of the top-notch mouse repellents to get rid of mice or rats. It has a dog and cat resistant refillable station and each bait can eliminate up to 12 mice.

It is resistant to weather and due to its clever design, you can use this station both outdoors and indoors with minimal risk and provides you maximum efficiency.

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Editor’s Recommendation: In case, you want to get rid of Pantry Moths, check out this article on How to get rid of Pantry Moth.

These are some of the best mouse poison and repellents that you can use to kill mouse-destroying your house. Why don’t you try one out of them and let us know which one you find useful?

by | Updated: October 18, 2016

One thought on “10 Best Mouse Poison & Pellets- [Reviews]

  1. Cynthia D McDougal says:

    Good info, but I need something that if a cat eats a mouse that has eaten any poison it will not be affected. Is there such a poison out there available to the public?

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