A Detailed Guide To The Caring Processes Of Your Goldfish Plant

The Goldfish plant is one of the most attractive indoor plants which have over 25 different species. These plants are mainly native to Southern Mexico, Costa Rica, and Brazil.

Goldfish plants are Perennial ]and can have several years of life if taken good care of. The long tubular flowers are found in an orange-red color combination and look like leaping goldfish.

That is why they are called by the name Goldfish plants. These attractive plants can be put in ]hanging baskets and the overwhelming flowers will give you exotic, colorful and vibrant interior decorations.

Mostly these plants are kept in balconies or living rooms. Keeping them in the office corridor is also a very good idea.

At the time of spring and summer, these plants fill with plenty of beautiful flowers. If kept in the right shape these plants can actually be a reason for the envy of your visitors.

Taking care of goldfish plants is not that difficult as they are very hardy in nature. Though if you want to keep these plants healthy and blooming then obviously you need to follow a methodic procedure.

Here is a detailed guide from buying the goldfish plant to taking care of it properly. I hope you will find it helpful.

Making the buying decision:

Though indoor plants like Goldfish plants are very tough and hardy, before buying you have to ensure that you are buying a healthy plant. As taking care of an unhealthy plant will not at all work and also be tougher for you to make it bloom properly.

So if you are buying from a nursery then you have to look at the plant very carefully.

  • Ensure if the stem of the tree is evenly green from top to bottom.
  • See if the leaves are bending downwards, or have formed the concave shape as the latter will be the sign that the plant is sick.
  • Look for any white spotting in the leaves which indicates that the plant is vulnerable to some disease.
  • Make sure the plant does not have any brown or yellow leaves and branches.
  • Lastly, if the plant has flowers then confirm if the petals are safe from any insects.

But if you want to plant a stem separated from the mother plant then that will also be a good idea. Just plant 2 to 3 plants in a regular-sized planter. It will take nearly 4 weeks to root.

Planting the Goldfish plant and choosing the planter properly:

Goldfish plants are mostly indoor plants so planting them in the garden will not be a good idea. They love a little warmth but not direct sunlight, so planting them in the garden will kill them.

To choose the correct planter, you need to consider the characteristics of the plant. Goldfish plants are branching, trailing and spreading type plants. So a hanging planter seems like a good idea.

If you plant it in a hanging basket then you can use the trailing characteristic of the plant for decoration purposes.

But in case you want to plant it in a planter that you are going to keep in the living room or beside the door, then you have to choose a wide but not too deep planter.

The planter should be wide as the plant spread a lot, and not too deep because the stems that can grow up to 3 inches long do not have so deep roots.

That is why a small amount of soil is enough to grow these plants. In case you have planted it in a deep planter then make sure the soil is not wet rather just moist in nature.

The unused soil in the bottom stays soggy and can cause rot roots. Also, your planter must bear drainage holes to drain the excess water.

Controlling light, temperature, and humidity:

Unlike other indoor plants, Goldfish plants do not like direct sun. So if you are planning to keep it in the garden or in the balcony under direct sunlight, then probably you are planning to kill your plant.

Indoor plants are very sensitive to light and heat. Keep the planter near the window where it can get enough indirect light. But do not keep it in front of the window as the place is much hotter and receives more heat than any other place in your home.

Putting it beside the window is a preferably better option. You can use artificial lights also, and for that, you need to keep the plant 6 inches away from the light for 12 hours per day.

Goldfish plants can thrive well between 65 to 85 degrees of temperature.  They cannot bear too much cold or too much hot weather. If you are planning to hang your goldfish plant then you must ensure the temperature there is not too high to harm your plant.

As the temperature is always high near the ceiling during summer, so probably you should use the air conditioner to cool the temperature of the room or after 12 noon you must take the hanging planters down to the ground.

Goldfish plants also love high humidity. You can put the planter on a pebble tray to give it more humidity.

Watering and Fertilizing your Goldfish plant:

As I said earlier, Goldfish plants do not like wet soil; rather they prefer it to be moist. So you can mist the plant daily twice at the time of summer, or you can keep track of the soil getting dry then you can moist the soil again.

To understand if the soil is moist enough or not you can touch it, if it gives a clinging effect without any extra water, then it is moist.

Misting can also give you more beautiful flowers. Excessive watering can result in falling of the leaves of your plant. Though you can use the self-watering planters for controlled use of water.

To fertilize indoor plants always use water-soluble fertilizers. You can use an organic fertilizer half the recommended strength in the spring and summertime, twice a month when the plant is actively growing and starting to bloom.

In fall and winter, you can fertilize them monthly.

Trimming and repotting the plant:

Trimming is very much necessary for summer and spring. It will give the plant a chance of growing healthier and denser. Also removing the dead parts will keep your plant fresh all the time.

Trimming can also help in making the plant bloom quickly. As the plant is trailing, branching and spreading in nature, a perfect trim can result in the beautiful shape of the plant.

Reporting is also recommended when the plant has completed a couple of years of its lifetime. At that time you can repot it in a clean container for health and hygiene purposes. Or you can separate the branches and plant it in different containers to get more goldfish plants.

Overall a goldfish plant can be the perfect beauty companion for your interior decoration which will give you eye-catching, vibrant and colorful flowers and that is also with a very little amount of care.

by | Updated: March 8, 2017

3 thoughts on “A Detailed Guide To The Caring Processes Of Your Goldfish Plant

  1. Amanda Geer says:

    I have a goldfish plant I bought from a local nursery about 8 weeks ago that has started losing a lot of leaves. They repotted it when I brought it home and I’ve watered it 3 times starting the day I brought it home. It’s now in a spot with better light, some branches still look quite healthy. Should I cut the branches with no leaves?

  2. Peg says:

    My gold fish has never bloomed looks deep dark green growing new leaves but no flowers (or gold fish)) what’s wrong? I’ve had it for a yr or so which I started from a cutting at that time. Waiting patiently.

    1. Ron B says:

      It needs more light. Not direct sun but a bright window.

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